Wayside Books

Wayside Books

Congratulations to Wayside Books, one of our amazing partners!  We thank them for their support to Ukraine Nightingale Project, and look forward to their two upcoming events “Angels Dusting the Earth”, featuring the art of Oksana Zbrutska, acclaimed artist from...
Volunteer & Poet

Volunteer & Poet

Dr. Gerald Partridge volunteered to drive Milena and Amiran to their first day of school in Keremeos.  Afterward, Gerald couldn’t help but think about the horrible circumstances that the war had brought to these innocent children…and he wrote this poem...
Travel Sponsor

Travel Sponsor

Sponsor photoshoot with our favourite Travel agent, Suzanne Whyte of Uniglobe Travel in Comox.  Suzanne arranges most UNP related travel.  Susanne organizes travel from Ukraine to Canada, and, most recently, for the Calgary Tryzub Troupe to and from our fundraising...