Short Term Host Form

We are glad you’re interested in volunteering with us. This form is for short term and emergency hosts in the South Okanagan. If you would like to be a host for 3 months or less, please submit this form.

We take great precautions with your information: it will only be used to provide, or inform you about, our programs, services and events. It will not be shared with any other party, without your consent. We are not requesting a CRC (Criminal Record Check), at this time, however, if one is available please provide. Please see requirements below.***

Please advise us if your information changes.

Do you agree to house your guests in a safe environment?

Guests may stay for:

Your accommodation is located whereabouts?

Guests will need to complete many tasks in their first few weeks, such as getting SIN Numbers, MSP number and opening bank accounts. Will you be able to assist with these tasks? (We do have volunteers available.)

What are your rules regarding smoking?

Will you accept unvaccinated persons? (Children under 5 may be unvaccinated)

Are all people in your home fully vaccinated?

Do you have pets? (Some people have allergies)

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