News & Updates

The population of Ukraine is larger than Canada and the country is less than half the size of British Columbia. Over 8 million people have been displaced and crossed borders to other countries. An additional 5.4 million evacuated their homes, seeking shelter in other parts of Ukraine, because over 15 thousand apartment buildings have been damaged. This is equivalent to everyone in British Columbia and Alberta leaving their homes. More civilians have been killed in the conflict than currently live in Summerland.

Wish List

• As more families arrive, we will need clothing and household goods.
• Automotive expertise to assist in evaluating, inspecting and locating suitable vehicles.
Automotive business to provide affordable repair and maintenance assistance.
• Affordable rental housing for short and long-term accommodation.
• Hosts to provide temporary housing.
• Medical providers who will offer physical, dental and psychological support services.

Culture at the Market

Culture at the Market

Family that recently arrived from Ukraine has learned how to speak the language of food. The plan was to prepare a variety of regional dishes, share them at the local market, and let the people of Keremeos discover something different--making some money in the process.

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Travel Sponsor

Travel Sponsor

Sponsor photoshoot with our favourite Travel agent, Suzanne Whyte of Uniglobe Travel in Comox.  Suzanne arranges most UNP related travel.  Susanne organizes travel from Ukraine to Canada, and, most recently, for the Calgary Tryzub Troupe to and from our fundraising...

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Holodomor Tour

Holodomor Tour

The Holodomor National Awareness Tour, through its creation of the Holodomor Mobile Classroom (HMC), tours the country to raise awareness of the Holodomor and to promote core Canadian values. Bringing awareness of the Holodomor to tens of thousands of Canadians and...

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How to Help

How to Help

The Penticton Herald reports on a community conversation on what needs to be done to help Ukrainians displaced by the Russian invasion. The event was part of the Ryga Arts Festival held this week in Summerland. Read it in the Herald;...

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Thanking Sponsors

Thanking Sponsors

Calgary Junior Tryzub Dancers put on two fundraising concerts on Vancouver Island. The dancers visit some sponsors and, of course, take photos.

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Ukrainian Dancers visit Vancouver Island

Ukrainian Dancers visit Vancouver Island

Building on the success of performances in the Okanagan Valley, the Tryzub Youth Ukrainian Dance Troupe has been invited to work with the Comox Valley Ukrainian Cultural Society (CVUCS) and the Ukrainian Nightingale Project to raise money in support of Ukrainian...

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